Also this year the Dutch Type Library and urw Type Foundry were present (for the third time) at the typo Labs conference, which took place at the Umwelforum in Berlin from 12 to 14 April 2018.
During the ‘Type, Technology & Design’ hands-on session on Friday the 13th of April, Jürgen Willrodt and Frank E. Blokland especially focused on the integration of OTMaster and FoundryMaster in workflows based on, for example, Glyphs or RoboFont. After all, combining the unique functionality offered by different font tools can ease and speed up production matters considerably.
A new program that was introduced at the hands-on session is gposMaster. As the successor of KernMaster, it combines auto-kerning with several editing options. Like OTMaster and FoundryMaster, it will become available for macOS, Windows, and Linux end of 2018, or otherwise at latest early 2019.